суббота, 15 марта 2014 г.

Ambition. Discovery. Success

“Ambition. Discovery. Success” is the title of the Conference, which has taken place today at the gymnasium of Pogranichnyj agritown. The aim of the fifth Scientific and Practical Conference is to find out gifted pupils and develop their abilities.
The conference focuses on the following aspects: the humanities (History, Geography, Regional Study), Mathematics and Physics, Biology and Chemistry, The Russian language and Literature, The Belarusian language and Literature, Foreign languages, and Primary Education, which was held for the first time.
Anna Pugachevskaya, the 7 form pupil, took part in this conference. Our work is titled “Speech Models of Greeting in the Project of Postcrossing”. (Anna is also a postcrosser).
In this work we studied peculiarities of English speech etiquette and distinctive features of levels of politeness in the English language.  We also made a research – we found out the most popular variants of greeting. So, we examined 120 postcards received from different English-speaking countries and concluded that “Hello, (Name)!” is the most popular model which is used 67 times (or 56%). It’s very important to know how to greet unknown people.
Anna defended her research work and was given the 1st place. Congratulations! 

среда, 12 марта 2014 г.

British Food, or How to make marmalade

On February 19, 2014 we had an open class in English. At this lesson there were some guests – young teachers of English from the schools of our district. The topic of the lesson was “British Food”. The lesson was given in the form 6, where there were four pupils – one girl and three boys. At this lesson we spoke about national British cuisine. We watched video and discussed how British people make marmalade. We also played a board game at the blackboard. Pupils did a lot of exercises, described British meals, expressed their opinion and got good marks.

пятница, 7 марта 2014 г.

Seminar in Germany and France

February is the shortest month of the year and this year it was the busiest. I took part in occupational mobility program “Modern models of career guidance for students on the example of Germany and France”.
During this program with the group of teachers we visited some European countries and examined career guidance at the establishments of education.
In Berlin we were informed about  Germany's Dual System of vocational education  and training at Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science. 
A dual education system combines training in a company and vocational education at a vocational school in one course. Dual system of education means building career education into the curriculum and linking it to students’ overall development.