The origin of this holiday's name is not clear.
It is known Boxing Day was started in the UK about 800 years ago, during the
Middle Age. It was the day when the alms boxes for the poor often kept in
churches were opened and their contents could be given to poor people. Some
churches still open these boxes on Boxing Day.
Also in feudal times in the United
Kingdom , the lord of the manor would 'pay' people who
worked on his land in the past year with boxes practical goods, such as
agricultural tools, food and cloth. These boxes were often distributed on the
day after Christmas Day.

Other stories relate to servants being allowed
to take a portion of the food left over from the Christmas celebrations in a
box to their families.
In recent times this day has become synonymous
with sport. Horse racing is particularly popular with meets all over the
country. Many top football teams also play on Boxing Day.
Boxing Day is a time to spend with family or
friends, usually those not seen on Christmas Day itself. But in Britain , Canada and some
states of Australia , Boxing Day is primarily known
as a shopping holiday. It is a time where shops have sales, often with dramatic
price reductions. For many merchants, Boxing Day has become the day of the year
with the greatest amount of returns.
Food and drink on Boxing Day are more relaxed
than Christmas Day. Lunch will usually be a buffet or leftovers from Christmas
lunch. Baked Ham is a popular Boxing Day meat and, of course, mince
pies or a slice of Christmas cake are almost obligatory.
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